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Maritime Innovation Award

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The Maritime Innovation Award 2026, sponsored by QinetiQ, acknowledges outstanding scientific or technological research in the areas of hydrodynamics, propulsion, structures and material.

Maritime Safety Award

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The Maritime Safety Award 2026, sponsored by Lloyd’s Register, recognises significant technological contributions to improving maritime safety or the protection of the maritime environment.

Maritime diversity Award

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The Eily Keary Maritime Diversity Award 2026, sponsored by BP, recognises the contribution by an individual, company or organisation to increasing equality, diversity and inclusion in their sector of the maritime industry.

Maritime STEM AWARD 1

The RINA STEM Awards recognise the outstanding contribution of an individual, company, or organisation in inspiring children (18 and under) into the maritime industry or an individual who has helped develop people from first showing an interest in maritime careers into professionally registered naval architects.



Peter Contraros Award

This Annual Student Award was established in 2022 in honour and memory of Peter Contraros for his contribution to the aim and values of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects.

William Froude

The William Froude Medal

The William Froude Medal is awarded to an individual who has made a conspicuous contribution to naval architecture and/or shipbuilding and whose achievements merit special consideration.

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For enquiries regarding awards or the application process, please contact

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