William Froude was an English engineer, hydrodynamicist and naval architect. He was the first person to formulate reliable laws for the resistance that water offers to ships (such as the hull speed equation) and for predicting their stability.
The Froude Scholarship may be awarded to Associate Members of the Institution who have been offered a post-graduate place on either an MSc or PhD programme at a RINA Accredited University to carry out research into hydrodynamics or other related subjects.
The value of the scholarship will be £1,000 per annum for the duration of the programme (up to a maximum of 3 years and subject to the endorsement of the student’s supervisor), payable in instalments and starting at the commencement of the first year of study.

Conditions of the award
Applicants must be an existing Associate Member of the Institution.
The holder of a Froude Scholarship is required to submit annual interim reports which are accompanied by a letter from the student supervisor, stating that satisfactory progress has been achieved during the preceding year. Subject to these reports the scholarship will be continued for the following year.
A final report on satisfactory completion of the course should be submitted in the form of a paper for publication in the International Journal of Maritime Engineering (IJME).
Queries relating to the application process for a Froude Scholarship may be obtained from the Director of Membership at RINA Headquarters. Applications must be supported by the Head of Department of the university or college from which the candidate graduated. Applications must also be accompanied by evidence of the offer of a post-graduate place.
The Froude Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence shown during first-degree studies and will take into account the academic challenge and work of the research subject.
How to apply
- Applications must be supported by the Head of Department of the university or college from which the candidate graduated.
- Applications must also be accompanied by evidence of the offer of a post-graduate place.
- Exceptionally, applications may be accepted from candidates who have already taken up their place.
- The review process and award will take place during the first week of September. The deadline for applications is 31st August.