Bulkship adopts Berg Propulsion upgrade for EEXI compliance

by | 29th June 2023 | The Naval Architect - News, Equipment

Home News Bulkship adopts Berg Propulsion upgrade for EEXI compliance

An assessment on Oslo Bulk 6 indicated that EEXI needs would be satisfied by derating its main engine to comply with the new regulations

Oslo-based ship manager Bulkship Management is to implement Berg Propulsion’s ‘EPL for EEXI’ power limitation solution across 10 ships trading in US Gulf and Caribbean waters.

Berg’s new engine power limitation (EPL) solution is of particular benefit to ships whose performance requires only moderate adjustment to meet IMO Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) needs, according to Berg Proplusion.

Rather than using a governor for engine derating or ShaPoLi (shaft power limitation), Berg’s EPL is a software-based solution which works with the supplier’s MPC800 control system to limit propeller pitch. Requiring no additional sensors, signals are sent by the EPL to the ship’s controllable pitch propeller (CPP), where brake torque is reduced until the engine power reaches its approved range. The information can be used to verify that attained EEXI matches required EEXI, once entered into the IMO’s data collection system (DCS).

Berg Propulsion says a pilot technical assessment of the 8,036dwt, 108m Bulkship vessel Oslo Bulk 6 indicated that EEXI needs would be satisfied by derating its main engine to comply with the new regulations. Sea trials covering the Berg EPL’s limiting effect on the ship’s Berg MPP950 CPP brought DNV acceptance of the system’s performance as an effective EPL solution.

Bulkship has now confirmed orders to install across nine more ships.

“On a CPP installation, it is more natural to limit the engine power output by the accurate governance of the propeller than by limiting the engine rpm setpoint,” says Magnus Thorén, sales manager of energy and efficiency, Berg Propulsion. “We use the main engine signal interface to limit the brake torque created by the propeller. Although it’s for a different purpose, this is based on the well-established practice of using a propeller pitch setpoint for overload protection.”

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