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The Naval Architect

Published 10 times per year, The Naval Architect is RINA’s flagship magazine, providing independent, high quality technical information on all aspects of ship design, construction and outfitting of large commercial vessels.


Subscription to the Naval Architect is included as a benefit of RINA membership, including five issues per year of our Warship Technology supplement.

All magazines include access to paywalled content on this website related to that publication. For further information please contact our Subscriptions department.

Also now available for download is our Offshore Wind Vessels 2024 supplement, sponsored by the Japan External Trade Organisation.
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All Articles

    Editorial Schedule


    • Decarbonisation
    • LNG & LPG Carriers
    • United Kingdom
    • Propellers & Thrusters
    • Water treatment


    • Autonomous Ships
    • Cruise Ships
    • China
    • Shipbuilding technology
    • Air lubrication systems


    • Safety
    • Chemical & Product Tankers
    • Finland
    • Engines
    • CFD & Hydrodynamics


    • Careers & Education
    • Offshore/heavy Lift
    • Denmark
    • CAD / CAM /CAE
    • Noise & Vibration


    • Alternative Fuels
    • Ro-ro/Vehicle Carriers
    • Japan
    • Salvage
    • Paints & Coatings


    • Offshore & subsea
    • Inland & cosral vessels
    • Norway
    • Retrofits
    • Accommodation & interiors


    • Regulation & Classification
    • Bulk Carriers
    • Netherlands
    • Carbon capture & storage
    • Voyage optimisation 


    • Digitalisation
    • Container Ships
    • Germany
    • CFD & Hydrodynamics
    • Engines


    • Wind Propulsion
    • Multipurpose Vessels
    • South Korea
    • CAD / CAM / CAE
    • Deck & cargo equipment


    • Ship Recycling
    • Ferries
    • Singapore
    • Alternative fuels
    • Communication systems