NZ Division Annual General Meeting – 24th May 2022

by | 24th May 2022 | Branch News

Home News NZ Division Annual General Meeting – 24th May 2022
Lined note paper with a meeting heading

Minutes of Annual General Meeting – 24th May 2022

Marine Industry Association, Westhaven Marina

Council – Susan Lake, Pradeep Thottawattage, Graeme Finch, Jason Smith, Renee Fuller
Members, guests and Friends

Apologies received: Roger Hill, James Flett

Minutes of Last AGM:
Minutes of AGM 2021
Approval of AGM Minutes – proposed by Susan Lake, seconded by Richard Flay. Carried

Financial statement read by Treasurer Susan Lake.
RINA NZ overall financial position as of 01 Jan 2021
• Balance of $30,186
• Income of $0.00 (see RINA HQ new process)
• Expense $3,958
• Operating surplus of $-3,945
• Balance of $26,461 going forward


Key expenses post year end adjustments
• AUT Stipend $1,500
• Web site $860
• NZ Marine membership $725
• Members meetings $874

Income UK Subs – No Uk income, new RINA HQ process pending submission of annual
See separate full report as attached.

Questions from the floor:
• Why should members pay dues in NZ when RINA UK retains the funds ?
Reply – RINA UK will fund all NZ activities as budgeted and submitted, it
encumbent on RINA NZ council and members to budget funds to be used for CPD,
talks, visits, education etc. Ideas are welcomed from the members.

Acceptance of accounts – proposed by Graeme Finch, seconded by Nina Heatley, carried.


Presidents Report:
President role is currently vacant.
Council members gave their thanks and appreciation for Christian’s service as President

Election of Council Members:

Screenshot 2023 12 08 112420

Council Re-election:
Jason Smith, Susan Lake, Graeme Finch, Renee Fuller, Leyton Chan
Mid-term continuing:
As shown in the table
Christian Stimson stepping down from council, thank you Christian for your service.

Gram Schweikert volunteered to join the council

Approval of council members en bloc – proposed by Susan Lake, seconded by Graeme
Finch. Carried by vote from the floor.

General Business:

  1. Licensing of engineers – discussion on MBIE proposals. Concerns over who
    provides oversight to licensing. RINA NZ to continue to monitor and engage with
  2. MAST Academy briefing and discussion
    1. RINA NZ and Composites Assoc to help train
    2. Level 6 qualification, RINA NZ providing course input
    3. RINA NZ will help to guide course standards

Meeting closed at 18:50
Talk by Michael Eaglen, EV Maritime following.

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