Wärtsilä propulsion selected for Brazilian Polar vessel

by | 4th October 2023 | Equipment, Warship Technology - News

Home News Wärtsilä propulsion selected for Brazilian Polar vessel
Wärtsilä will supply the main power generation and propulsion machinery for the Brazilian Navy’s NPo

Wärtsilä will supply the main power generation and propulsion machinery for the Brazilian Navy’s NPo

Wärtsilä has been selected to supply the main power generation and power conversion system for a 103.16m Antarctic Support Vessel being built for the Brazilian Navy. The order was placed by Brazil’s Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz shipyard.

The new Polar vessel – or Navio Polar Almirante Saldanha (NPo) – will be operated by the Brazilian Navy and is of strategic importance for the maintenance of a Brazilian presence in the Antarctic. It will also ensure the continuity of scientific research that has been carried out at the Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station.

The full scope for the vessel includes three Wärtsilä 32 diesel generating sets, a diesel-electric power conversion system and two bow thruster drive systems, as well as a power management system.

The Wärtsilä equipment is scheduled for delivery to the yard in 2024. The vessel is expected to be commissioned in 2025.

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