Chantier Davie to acquire Helsinki Shipyard

by | 2nd July 2023 | Warship Technology - News, Shipbuilding

Home News Chantier Davie to acquire Helsinki Shipyard
Helsinki Shipyard Oy

Source: Helsinki Shipyard Oy

Quebec, Canada-based Chantier Davie Canada has exercised an exclusive option to acquire the assets of Finland’s Helsinki Shipyard Oy (HSO).

Exercising the option does not mean an acquisition is completed. It is subject to the successful execution of thorough due diligence, including financial, regulatory and legal considerations, as well as final decision making by Davie.

Davie President and CEO James Davies said, “If the acquisition is successful, it would combine two historic and highly complementary businesses creating the western world’s leading international centre of excellence for Arctic shipbuilding.”

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