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Tore Andersen. Source: Optimarin
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The UK shipbuilding sector needs to address significant skills shortages in AI, robotics and automation if it is to thrive in the long term, a report from National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) claims. The report outlines the need to further adopt these...
The Polish Ministry of Defence has placed a contract for the construction of a submarine rescue vessel, to provide support for the new subs it is building under the Orka programme. Ratownik (Rescuer) will replace the rescue vessels ORP Piast and ORP Lech, which have...
System monitoring company CM Technologies (CMT) has launched a new test kit for Legionnaire’s disease, which, CMT warns, can easily breed in onboard hot tubs, spas and pools. “Hot tubs are a real problem,” comments CMT managing director David Fuhlbruegge. “Most yachts...
From AHTS to drone deployment Norway’s Green Yard Kleven has been awarded a fifth ship conversion contract with Brazilian shipowner Oceanica. The yard will convert the vessel Oceanicasub XVII from an anchor-handling tug supply (AHTS) vessel to a ship capable of...