Got a story for The Naval Architect? Tell us about it!

by | 19th January 2024 | RINA News, The Naval Architect - News

Home News Got a story for The Naval Architect? Tell us about it!
The Naval Architect

The Naval Architect is RINA's flagship publication.

For more than half a century, RINA’s principal publication, The Naval Architect, has been covering the latest advances in ship design, construction and technologies, providing independent technical information and insight on commercial shipping’s ongoing evolution. Focusing on large (100m plus) merchant ships, we feature a range of angles and opinions including expert comments from industry professionals, case studies, cutting-edge research and reports on recent conferences.

We are always glad to receive article submissions from RINA members for the magazine. It’s a great opportunity to share your knowledge with fellow members and industry professionals and to see your name in print. We are interested to hear about innovative projects and research or anything you think would be of interest to other RINA members or the industry as a whole.

An editorial schedule including themes for each issue of The Naval Architect can be found on the RINA website at However, we welcome submissions on any topic not just those covering a theme.

To submit an article, please email the editor, Daniel Johnson, in the first instance at Letters to the Editor, in relation to any matter which may be of concern to the readers of The Naval Architect are also highly appreciated.

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