Call for UK to exploit ‘unique’ nuclear opportunity

by | 24th February 2025 | The Naval Architect - News

Home News Call for UK to exploit ‘unique’ nuclear opportunity

Harnessing nuclear energy for ships could represent a £2.5 trillion opportunity for the UK (image: CORE POWER)

A report jointly issued by tech firm CORE POWER, marine insurer NorthStandard and class society Lloyd’s Register (LR) paints an optimistic picture for the safe development and installation of small nuclear reactors aboard commercial ships and floating nuclear power plants (FNPPs) in the UK – provided the government gets behind the effort.

The paper, entitled Advanced Maritime Nuclear: A Unique Opportunity for the UK, argues that the Department for Transport must incorporate nuclear-fuelled vessels and FNPPs into an updated version of its Clean Maritime Plan, to meet IMO greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets and to benefit from a £2.5 trillion economic opportunity, potentially revitalising the UK shipbuilding segment.

Over the past five years, attitudes toward using nuclear energy as ship’s fuel have shifted significantly. Since the 1950s, nuclear reactors have powered multiple warships and submarines. However, the concept of installing small reactors aboard commercial vessels, such as ferries, cruise ships, OSVs or superyachts, was generally discounted, largely because of nuclear power’s ‘bad’ reputation.

However, rising energy costs, plus growing doubts about the accessibility of alternative fuels such as hydrogen, HVO, methanol and ammonia, have sparked new interest in nuclear energy for ships. A small but growing band of shipping professionals now view the deployment of small modular reactors aboard commercial vessels as one of the most likely means of meeting IMO’s plan to realise net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping by 2050.

Additionally, at COP 28, hosted in Dubai in 2023, the UK pledged to triple nuclear energy generation with the launch of its Civil Nuclear Roadmap to 2050 – a publication that included nuclear-fuelled ships on the agenda. In December 2022, the UK’s Merchant Shipping (Nuclear Ships) Regulations came into effect, accompanied by Marine Guidance Note on nuclear ships MGN 679 (M), which addresses areas such as safety assessments, design and construction, radiation safety and reactor installation suitability.

In the foreword to the recent joint paper, British hereditary peer and shipbroker Lord Mountevans writes: “The UK has the skills, expertise and history of innovation to lead the development of nuclear-powered shipping. By leveraging our decades of experience with small reactors for the Royal Navy, we can decarbonise maritime transport, create jobs and strengthen Britain’s position as a clean energy world power. This is a unique opportunity for the UK.”

The paper also proposes that nuclear-powered ships could feed energy back into land-based grids, providing electricity to homes and ports, as well as to areas affected by power blackouts. “FNPPs could also be used to alleviate the issues surrounding shore power and expensive connections to the UK national grid,” the authors state.

Outstanding insurance and regulatory gaps must also be addressed, though, the paper notes. Paul Jennings, MD of NorthStandard, comments: “The ability to commercially insure nuclear-propelled ships will be vital to the success of bringing nuclear to maritime. It is important that governments understand the need for a civil marine nuclear liability convention within the framework of IMO and work towards creating an appropriate liability regime.”

Jennings is echoed by Andy McKeran, LR’s chief commercial officer, who says: “Global regulatory alignment is crucial. Existing frameworks must be updated to reflect modern reactor designs and operational needs. The UK has the expertise to lead these efforts at IMO and with the International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA], setting the foundation for safe, insurable and scalable nuclear-powered shipping.”

Meanwhile, CORE POWER CEO Mikal Bøe remarks: “Maritime nuclear is the catalyst that can reverse the trajectory of the British shipping sector, creating unique competition to Chinese shipbuilding and ocean transport.” He warns: “Over time, the cost of inaction will far outweigh the cost of being the champion in this rapidly emerging market.”


The March issue of The Naval Architect features an interview with pro-nuclear advocate Dr Jonathan Stephens, manager, core design at BWX Technologies, assessing the current and future viability of small reactor installations aboard various vessel types and FNPPs

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