Cape Town’s Robertson Dry Dock reopens for business

by | 2nd July 2023 | Shiprepair & Maintenance - News, Shiprepair

Home News Cape Town’s Robertson Dry Dock reopens for business

The Robinson Dry Dock is reportedly the oldest operating cobblestone dry dock in the world and is used largely for commercial purposes.

Transnet National Ports Authority’s Robertson Dry Dock at the Port of Cape Town is back in use after an extensive modernisation programme, including an upgrade of its dewatering infrastructure.

In June 2022, the Port of Cape Town started the process of replacing the drydock’s dewatering system, to mitigate safety risks, improve operational efficiencies and ensure compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The engineering works required a complete shutdown of the facility. However, the project has now been completed, and the drydock reopened at the end of March 2023, restoring much needed capacity to the local ship repair market.

Benefits from the investment are said to include increased system reliability, reduced unplanned downtime and maintenance costs, as well as an extended life span for the dewatering system.

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