News from the NSW Section August 2024

by | 13th August 2024 | News

Home News News from the NSW Section August 2024
Lined note paper with a meeting heading

Committee Meeting –– 16 July 2024

The NSW Section Committee met on 16 July and, other than routine matters, discussed:

  • SMIX Bash 2024: letter to sponsors completed and being circulated; some sponsors already signed up; hire of James Craig paid and deposit on catering paid.
  • TM Program
  • 2024: August presentation changed to mid-August to suit presenters.
  • 2025: Five presentations now booked in.
  • Walter Atkinson Award 2024: Two papers decided for nomination and advice to AD Council.

Signatories to Bank Account: One additional signatory decided for implementation.

Technical Presentation –– 3 July 2024

 Peter Thurling, Senior Project Manager, Gibbs & Cox Australia, and Elettra Ganoulis, Naval Architect and Project Manager, One2three Naval Architects, gave a presentation on The New AIMS Research Vessel to a joint meeting with the IMarEST on 3 July, with Peter Thurling presenting via Zoom and Elettra Ganoulis presenting in person in the Henry Carmichael Theatre at the Sydney Mechanics School of Arts in the Sydney CBD, and streamed live. The presentation was attended by 17 with a further 12 participating online.

The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) is a Commonwealth marine science research organisation which supports the sustainable use and protection of Australia’s tropical marine ecosystems.  AIMS is a world leader in tropical marine research, providing a unique insight into Australia’s tropical waters, and knowledge to develop globally-relevant and innovative research solutions to improve ocean health, and protecting coral reefs from climate change.

AIMS conducts research from Shark Bay in Western Australia, across the northern coast and its marginal seas, and to the southern extremity of the Great Barrier Reef on the east coast. AIMS’ world-class research infrastructure includes two coastal research vessels, and the Sea Simulator National Facility, the world’s most advanced research aquarium complex.

The AIMS research vessel fleet consists of two purpose-built ships, RV Cape Ferguson and RV Solander, and a number of smaller vessels which take researchers to the diverse habitats of Australia’s northern coasts. Both large vessels are approaching end-of-life, and replacement vessels need to meet the current and future needs of AIMS and its stakeholders.

The presentation outlined the challenges and opportunities in delivering the next AIMS research vessel and its supporting infrastructure. It discussed the development of requirements, the design process, construction limitations, the development of the supply chain, stakeholder engagement, environmental and social impacts, and the expected benefits of the new vessel. The presentation addressed program challenges associated with the development of a Business Case for approval by Government, the schedule constraints around delivering a new vessel before the retirement of an existing vessel, and the two-stage procurement process for selecting shipyards and modular capability contractors.

The presentation was not recorded.

The vote of thanks was proposed, and the “thank you” bottle of wine presented, by John Jeremy.

The Presenters

Peter Thurling has a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours degree from the Australian National University and a Master of Engineering Science degree in Project Management from the University of NSW. He has more than 20 years’ experience in marine engineering projects, for public and private industry in Australia, including the FFG Upgrade, the Air-warfare Destroyer, Landing Helicopter Dock ships, upgrades to HMAS Success and HMAS Choules, Offshore Patrol Vessels and support to RV Investigator, RSV Aurora Australis, and RSV Nuyina. Peter is a Senior Project Manager at Gibbs & Cox Australia. Contracted to the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Peter provides project-management services for the program to deliver Australia’s next regional-class research vessel.

Elettra Ganoulis graduated with a Master’s degree in Naval Architecture from the University of Southampton in 2018. She began her career as a Junior Naval Architect at One2Three in 2019 and has been involved in the design of high-speed passenger ferries and motor yachts for both the American and European markets. She is now a Naval Architect and Project Manager with One2three. She became the North America Project Manager of One2Three in 2022, and has been looking after the AIMS project since its inception in 2022.

Elettra Ganoulis R and John Jeremy

Elettra Ganoulis (R) and John Jeremy

(Photo Phil Helmore)

Technical Presentation –– 5 June 2024

 Thomas Frank, Principal Engineer, Ausbright Electrical Solutions, gave a presentation on IT Earthing Systems and the Evolution of Insulation Monitoring Devices to a joint meeting with the IMarEST on 5 June in the Henry Carmichael Theatre at the Sydney Mechanics School of Arts in the Sydney CBD and streamed live. The presentation was attended by 19. However, due to an oversight, the Zoom ID for the meeting was not circulated, so there were none participating online.

Thomas began his presentation with a brief explanation of IT earthing systems which all vessels implement. Essentially, an IT earthing system is a distribution system in which all live parts of a power source are isolated from the earth or one live part of the power source is earthed through an impedance (I), and exposed conductive parts of an electrical installation are connected to earth electrodes of the electrical installation by protective earthing conductors (T).

He went on to describe the insulation monitoring systems which were employed 50 years ago and how they worked, with an incandescent bulb turning on at the breakdown of insulation between phase and earth, and the bender device which has been in for the last 30 years.

Recent bender devices now employ current transformers on outgoing circuits to give maintainers the earth fault location.

The presentation concluded with a snapshot of Ausbright Electrical Solutions and their electrical services, engineer services, and company history.

The presentation was recorded and is now available on the RINA YouTube channel.

The vote of thanks was proposed, and the “thank you” bottle of wine presented, by Steve Morant.

The Presenter

Thomas Frank graduated with his Bachelor of Electrical and Mechatronic Engineering from the University of Adelaide, and an Advanced Diploma in Electronics and Communications from TAFE South Australia. He commenced his career in 2011 in Engineering and Production at ASC Shipbuilding, working on the DDG construction program. From there he moved to Atlantic and Peninsula Australia as the Electrical Engineering Manager, working principally on HMAS Choules. In 2023 he moved to Ausbright Electrical Solutions, where he is now the Principal Engineer.

Thomas Frank L and Steve Morant

Thomas Frank (L) and Steve Morant

(Photo Phil Helmore)


Committee Meeting –– 4 June 2024

The NSW Section Committee met on 4 June and, other than routine matters, discussed:

  • SMIX Bash 2024: Booking for James Craig confirmed for 5 December; letter to sponsors finalised; Trybooking website set up; draft budget prepared.
  • TM Program
  • 2024: IMarEST have secured a presentation for August, so program for this year is now complete.
  • 2025: Two presentations booked in and a further one proposed for request.
  • Section Committee: Peter Blackwood confirmed as new member of NSW Section Committee, and as NSW Nominee to AD Council.
  • Walter Atkinson Award 2024: Eight papers from Indo Pacific 2023 considered and short list of three prepared for further consideration.

Phil Helmore





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