Diverse work for Columbo Dockyards

by | 21st December 2017 | News

Home News Diverse work for Columbo Dockyards

Shiprepair eNews December 2017SCI Vishva Vikas

Established in 1974, Colombo Dockyard is the largest and oldest ship building and repair company in Sri Lanka and is based in within the Port of Colombo, thus having the benefits of a deep water harbour. It has built both military and civilian vessels for both local and overseas clients.


Colombo Dockyard operates four graving drydocks, range from 9,000 to 125,000dwt capacity as well as extensive repair berth facilities. Drydock No. 1 is separated into dock 1A & 1B, with Dock No. 1A used for Ship Repairs, while 1B is utilised for unit/ship assembly. Drydock No. 2 is also used for shipbuilding. It has operated in joint collaboration with Onomichi Dockyard Co. Ltd of Japan since 1993.


Recent repair work at the yards has included:


Special survey work on two of Seven Island Shipping owned tankers, which trade on the Indian coast. The Agility a 44,970dwt tanker built in 1997 called in for its fourth special survey. The scope of work included 20tonnes of steel renewal in the ballast tanks and main deck, repairing accommodation ladders, pressure testing of pipe lines, overhauling of PV valves, renewal of hydraulic lines. Withdrawal of the propeller shaft and overhauling of seal assemblies, main engine and auxiliary engine air coolers, exhaust & auxiliary boiler and electrical repairs and servicing.


The second smaller 8,614dwt tanker, Delight built in 1992 under when it’s fifth special survey. The repair scope included the CAP (Condition Assessment Programme) survey requirements, main hydraulic lines, steel renewal of approx. 50tonnes in the double bottom tankers and deck frames. Renewal of the windlass brake drums and hydraulic pipe lines. Propeller, shaft repairs and main sea chest pipe renewal. Main and control panel servicing, and electrical motors overhauling. Major steel renewals were also undertaken on the boat deck and funnel deck.


Seychelles Paradise a 1,786dwt LPG tanker managed by GTS Shipmanagement GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) managed and owned by Seychelles Petroleum Company Limited (SEYPEC) owned, called in for dry-docking and repairs in August 2017. The vessel trades regionally and is used for domestic fuel supply and had also used the Colombo Dockyard for drydocking and repair work in 2014.


Larnaca, a 7,7009dwt general cargo vessel owned and managed by Intership Navigation Co. Ltd called for drydock repairs in August 2017. Work included cargo hold blasting and painting, hatch covers repairs, cargo holds vent heads repairs, hatch covers blasting and painting, container’s stanchion, sliding sockets repairs, renewal of cargo hold CO2 pipe line, deck compressor airline renewal, auxiliary engine major overhauling, gear box repairs, various pipe line renewals, windlass overhauling and repairs of all main bearings, including the thrust bearing.


Clymene 73,600dwt bulk carrier owned by Anglo Eastern (UK) Ltd,propeller repair - clymene managed and The Hadley Shipping Co. Ltd, UK called in for dry-docking and repairs on her propulsion system. The original scope of work included repair of the propeller by the original manufacturer, static balancing of the propeller and assessing possible damages on the propulsion system. However, due to the unavailability of manufacturers, the Dockyard undertook the repairing the 20tonne propeller, meeting the technical requirements of Classification Society of Lloyds. The yard’s team came up with detailed repair procedure, reviewed with class, incorporated requirements of LR Class including procedure for post weld heat treatment, and proceeded with a sample test piece parallel to the main repair and obtained the procedure qualified and approved from LR.


In addition to that, the yard removed intermediate and tail shafts for inspection of stern tubes, and found an offset in bolt holes of flywheel and flange of intermediate shaft. To rectify the fault, all 10 bolt holes were bored in place as per the new fit bolts. The feedback from owners/managers indicated that there were now no vibration and an extra 0.4 knots the for same fuel consumption.


The yards has also undertaken work on two suction hopper dredgers hopper dredger Wan Qing Sha Wan Qing Sha 15,814dwt and Jun Yang 1 5,000dwt owned by owned and managed by CCCC Guangzhou Dredging Co. Both of these vessels are involved in a brand new city development project called ‘Port City Colombo’ in Sri Lanka.


The yards has also undertaken dry docking and  afloat repairing of four bulk carriers and a tanker owned and managed by the Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) during this year. SCI is one of the largest Indian shipping company and a major bulk carrier operator in India.


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