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A ship being broken down in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Bangladesh’s ratification of the Hong Kong Convention has helped trigger the criteria for the convention to enter into force. Source: Shutterstock
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Absence of regulatory mandate means safety and financial benefits of structural health monitoring systems are not being realised, writes Niklas Hallgren, CEO, Light Structures Structural health monitoring (SHM) has the potential to revolutionise maritime safety by...
Class society Lloyd’s Register (LR) has announced an agreement to acquire maritime e-learning software provider Ocean technologies Group (OTG) from private equity firm Oakley Capital. The buyout means that OTG, which provides critical training, compliance,...
The compact dimensions and simple design of RWO’s OWS-COM make it the ideal oily water separator for Statsraad Lehmkuhl, helping the unique vessel to comply with latest environmental regulations as it voyages worldwide Built in Bremerhaven, Germany, in 1914, Statsraad...
Learning from this tragedy could prove an invaluable lesson in risk mitigation with complex maritime operations, writes John Butler In the early morning of 26th March the container ship Dali struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore forcing its dramatic...