Babcock awarded contract to refit UK nuclear submarine

by | 5th March 2024 | Naval & Patrol, Shiprepair

Home News Babcock awarded contract to refit UK nuclear submarine

UK Royal Navy submarine HMS Victorious

Babcock International Group PLC and the UK’s Submarine Delivery Agency (SDA) have sealed a new agreement. The full cost recovery contract, worth approximately £560 million, is earmarked for the comprehensive maintenance and life extension program of HMS Victorious, one of the United Kingdom’s Vanguard Class nuclear submarines. 

The goal of this multi-year initiative is to revitalise HMS Victorious to modern standards, ensuring its operational readiness well into the 2030s. Refit of the submarine has been taking place since July 2023, but the project has been expedited with early works authorised by the Ministry of Defence, highlighting the urgency and significance attached to this endeavour. 

HMS Victorious marks the second Vanguard Class submarine to undergo a life extension initiative at Babcock’s Devonport facility. Acknowledged as a linchpin of the UK’s continuous at-sea deterrent capability, the importance of this project cannot be overstated, as emphasised by Babcock CEO David Lockwood. 

“Delivering the program for this vital and complex defence asset is our top priority,” Lockwood declared. “We are proud to have been awarded this complex defence program, which will harness our deep engineering expertise to help safeguard the UK.” 

Babcock foresees the refit of HMS Victorious sustaining over 1,000 jobs in the south-west region of the UK, centred on facility at the company’s Devonport dockyard in Plymouth. The company’s commitment to workforce development is characterised by the Babcock Skills Academy, also located in Plymouth, which focuses on nurturing submarine support and crucial nuclear skills essential for deep submarine maintenance. 

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps underscored the significance of the project in maintaining the UK’s nuclear deterrent. “In an increasingly dangerous world, it is crucial that we continue to invest in one of our most important assets, our nuclear deterrent,” Shapps remarked. “This partnership with Babcock will not only bolster our security but also stimulate the local economy and support jobs.” 

Babcock, which has received acclaim in the defence sector for its provision of critical engineering services, has maintained close links to the UK’s defence infrastructure for over a century.  

Second Sea Lord Vice Admiral Martin Connell reiterated the critical role played by the Royal Navy in ensuring national security. “The Royal Navy performs no more important mission than Operation Relentless. The overhaul of HMS Victorious will enable it to fulfil its duties until the next generation of submarines, the Dreadnought-class, come into service,” Vice Admiral Connell stated.  

Babcock’s Devonport facility is undergoing significant upgrades to meet future capability requirements with more refits likely to follow as the UK seeks to maintain its operational submarine fleet. 

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