RINA hosts LISW wind forum

RINA hosts LISW wind forum

It was another busy London International Shipping Week (LISW) in September and RINA played its part by hosting the ‘Wind Propulsion: Barriers, Drivers and Perception Forum’ at our Northumberland Street headquarters on 14th September. Held in association with the International Windship Association (IWSA), the event was an opportunity to discuss pathways forward for the wind-assisted […]

RINA CEO visits China

RINA CEO visits China

The Royal Institution of Naval Architects’ chief executive, Chris Boyd, has recently returned from a visit to China where he attended the celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of Harbin Engineering University. Among the events marking the occasion was a spectacular theatrical display with the theme ‘Ode to Seventy Years of Development, Chasing Light, and Sailing […]

New Technical Manager joins RINA

New Technical Manager joins RINA

Neil Hancock has been appointed as the new Technical Manager for the Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Among his numerous duties Neil will be responsible for reviewing the technical papers submitted for RINA’s conferences. A native of Northumberland, Neil originally studied as a Mechanical Engineer in the mining industry before switching to marine, specifically Search […]

The Australian Naval Architect: Aug 2023 edition now available

The Australian Naval Architect: Aug 2023 edition now available

The August 2023 edition of the official journal of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects’ Australian division, The Australian Naval Architect, is now available free of charge. As well as the usual round-up of section news, meetings and activities, you’ll find coverage of Incat Tasmania’s latest delivery, the 76 m high-speed passenger catamaran El Dorado […]

A message from RINA’s CEO Chris Boyd

A message from RINA’s CEO Chris Boyd

We stand at the precipice of change. Opportunities are in abundance from Net-Zero solutions to developing alternate fuels/infrastructure, composite materials, autonomy, and AI. The Institution is at the centre of it all, promoting and challenging the art and science of design, regulations, and assurance. As such, it was important for us to reassess our digital […]

Energising the Maritime Industry with Offshore Wind

Energising the Maritime Industry with Offshore Wind

Technical Presentation — 24 May 2023 Jordan Glanville, Infrastructure Manager, Oceanex Energy, gave a presentation on Energising the Maritime Industry with Offshore Wind to a meeting at the Mission to Seafarers in Docklands and streamed live via Zoom on 24 May. This presentation attracted 12 attendees and a further 9 participated online on the evening. […]

NSW Section Committee Meeting May 2023

NSW Section Committee Meeting May 2023

NSW Section Committee Meeting 23rd May 2023 The NSW Section Committee met on 23 May and, other than routine matters, discussed: SMIX Bash: Accounts for 2022 finalised; sponsor letter and contact list for 2023 set up and sponsorships being sought; booking for James Craig has been confirmed. TM Program: Presentation for Wednesday 7 June moved to Monday […]

Energising the Maritime Industry with Offshore Wind

President’s Report to 2023

Australia Division President’s Report – March 2023 Gordon MacDonald handed on the presidency of the Australian Division to me at the 2022 AGM and I would like to thank him for his continuing interest and involvement during the past year. Similarly, I would like to thank all who have supported me during this time: Secretary, […]

Energising the Maritime Industry with Offshore Wind

NZ Division Annual General Meeting – 24th May 2022

Minutes of Annual General Meeting – 24th May 2022 Marine Industry Association, Westhaven Marina Present: Council – Susan Lake, Pradeep Thottawattage, Graeme Finch, Jason Smith, Renee Fuller Members, guests and Friends Apologies received: Roger Hill, James Flett Minutes of Last AGM: Minutes of AGM 2021 Approval of AGM Minutes – proposed by Susan Lake, seconded […]