US Navy

Huntingdon Ingalls Shipbuilding receives additive manufacturing approval

Huntingdon Ingalls Shipbuilding receives additive manufacturing approval

Huntingdon Ingalls Shipbuilding (HII) says its Newport News Shipbuilding division recently received approval as a vendor to provide additive manufacturing components to Naval Sea Systems (NAVSEA) platforms. Certification enables NNS to use additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, to fabricate pipefittings or other potential components for use on aircraft carriers, submarines and other NAVSEA platforms. In […]

Bollinger awarded contract for sixth berthing barge

Bollinger awarded contract for sixth berthing barge

Bollinger Shipyards has been awarded a detailed design and construction contract for the sixth Auxiliary Personnel Lighter–Small (APL(S)) 67-class berthing and messing barge. Construction will take place at Bollinger Mississippi Shipbuilding in Pascagoula, Mississippi and is due to begin in the second quarter of 2023. The previous five APLs were built by VT Halter Marine, […]

Aircraft carrier Roosevelt completes sea trials after 18-month upgrade

Aircraft carrier Roosevelt completes sea trials after 18-month upgrade

The US Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) completed an 18-month docking planning incremental availability at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility on 21 March 2023. Work completed during the availability, which began on 10 September 2021, included a variety of regularly scheduled maintenance as well as modernization upgrades. The project […]

Cost of US Navy’s T-AGOS 25 programme soars

Cost of US Navy’s T-AGOS 25 programme soars

A contract to build the first ship is due to be awarded in early 2024, but cost-to-complete funding is required for the first of class The cost of the US Navy’s T-AGOS 25-class ocean surveillance ships has soared as a result of rising shipbuilding costs, including direct material inflation, supply chain challenges, and increased non-recurring […]

HII deploys unmanned underwater vehicle from amphibious vessel

HII deploys unmanned underwater vehicle from amphibious vessel

June 2022 saw Huntington Ingalls Industries (HHI) successfully demonstrate the ability of an amphibious warship to launch, operate with and recover a large-diameter unmanned underwater vehicles (LDUUV). The research and development initiative between HII’s Ingalls Shipbuilding and mission technologies divisions is one of a portfolio of internal research and development efforts aimed at advance new […]

Keel laid for first Columbia-class ballistic missile submarine

Keel laid for first Columbia-class ballistic missile submarine

General Dynamics Electric Boat conducted a keel-laying ceremony for the first Columbia-class ballistic-missile submarine, USS District of Columbia (SSBN 826) at Quonset Point, Rhode Island, on 4 June 2022. District of Columbia will be the first of a 12-boat class, which will replace 14 US Navy Ohio-class nuclear-powered ballistic submarines from 2027 onwards. The transition […]