
New test kit to detect yacht hot tub hazards

New test kit to detect yacht hot tub hazards

System monitoring company CM Technologies (CMT) has launched a new test kit for Legionnaire’s disease, which, CMT warns, can easily breed in onboard hot tubs, spas and pools. “Hot tubs are a real problem,” comments CMT managing director David Fuhlbruegge. “Most yachts have them these days, with operating water temperatures of between 37°-40°C, which is […]

University of Strathclyde: “Get behind SHIELD”

University of Strathclyde: “Get behind SHIELD”

The University of Strathclyde, UK is appealing to ship operators, safety professionals and accident investigators to make better use of the Safety Human Incident & Error Learning Database (SHIELD), so that the maritime industry can build up a clearer picture of the role that human factors play in maritime incidents. SHIELD was originally launched in […]

Fishers most likely workers to encounter harm, World Risk Poll reveals

Fishers most likely workers to encounter harm, World Risk Poll reveals

Data taken from the latest release of Lloyd’s Register Foundation’s biannual World Risk Poll indicates that 26% of fishers around the world have personally experienced harm at work in the past two years – “more than [in] any other industry”, the safety charity comments, contrasting this sector with construction (where 22% of workers reported experiencing […]

NAPA enhances crew safety with user-friendly Permit to Work system

NAPA enhances crew safety with user-friendly Permit to Work system

Digital solution saves time and decreases incident risks    Described by some as the “seafarer’s friend”, Permit to Work (PtW) systems are an essential safeguard to minimise the risk of accidents and incidents on board ships. The mandatory process is used to authorise controlled work in both standard and nonstandard, potentially hazardous conditions – such […]

The great liferaft reset

The great liferaft reset

Liferaft servicing is a necessity, not an option, but society’s wider shift from product ownership to the service-based economy is being felt even in this unexpected area  In 2016, a World Economic Forum blog by Danish politician Ida Auken caused an unexpected stir by predicting that, in 2030, “I don’t own anything. I don’t own […]

Is it time to focus on structural monitoring regulations?

Is it time to focus on structural monitoring regulations?

Absence of regulatory mandate means safety and financial benefits of structural health monitoring systems are not being realised, writes Niklas Hallgren, CEO, Light Structures  Structural health monitoring (SHM) has the potential to revolutionise maritime safety by enabling real-time insight into vessel integrity, yet comprehensive regulations mandating these systems are conspicuously absent. Regulations and classification have […]

Student know-how provides safe ferry design for Nigeria

Student know-how provides safe ferry design for Nigeria

The 4,200km River Niger was the backdrop for the Worldwide Ferry Safety Association’s (WFSA’s) 11th Annual International Student Design Competition for a Safe, Affordable Ferry. Having previously encouraged student naval architects, designers and engineers to devise workable, safe and affordable ferry solutions for waterways including the Amazon, the Brahmaputra, the Pasig River, the Chao Phraya […]

An urgent call to define ‘enclosed spaces’, to save lives

An urgent call to define ‘enclosed spaces’, to save lives

It seems that, no matter how many times the maritime and offshore sectors flag the problem, enclosed space fatalities just won’t go away. A recent report from the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) reveals that, of 1,611 standard vessel inspection reports uploaded to its Common Marine Inspection Documents (eCMID) and Common Marine Inspection Documents for […]

Comment: The Baltimore bridge ‘Black Swan Event’ and its effect on the insurance markets

Comment: The Baltimore bridge ‘Black Swan Event’ and its effect on the insurance markets

Learning from this tragedy could prove an invaluable lesson in risk mitigation with complex maritime operations, writes John Butler  In the early morning of 26th March the container ship Dali struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore forcing its dramatic collapse which was captured and circulated on television and social media across the world. […]

#SaferSAR initiative aims for a global incidence database

#SaferSAR initiative aims for a global incidence database

Maritime search and rescue (SAR) processes have evolved significantly in recent years, boosted by cutting-edge technologies such as AI and object recognition software. However, the task of sorting and storing global SAR incident response data in one central hub has proven more vexing. As Caroline Jupe, CEO of the International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF), highlights: […]