Naval Architecture

Neurodiversity and naval architecture – pt. 1

Neurodiversity and naval architecture – pt. 1

Simply put, the term ‘neurodiversity’ – originally coined by sociologist Judy Stringer in the 1990s – recognises that people’s brains function in diverse ways. Neurodivergent people tend to exhibit different strengths, and undergo different challenges, to neurotypical (or, to use a blanket term, ‘normal’) people, and understanding this is key to helping them to integrate […]

Bold ideas often overlooked

Bold ideas often overlooked

The social relations between the various parties involved in shipbuilding in general are a topic that probably has received little attention in academia. However, Leena Jokinen’s doctoral thesis, ‘Ideation for Cruise Ships – Collaborative Interorganisational Foresight in Cruise Ship Concept Ideation’, which was recently approved at the University of Turku in Finland, looks at these […]