
Build it smart: UK yards must tackle AI and robotics skills gap

Build it smart: UK yards must tackle AI and robotics skills gap

The UK shipbuilding sector needs to address significant skills shortages in AI, robotics and automation if it is to thrive in the long term, a report from National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) claims. The report outlines the need to further adopt these three emerging technologies to enhance operations such as welding, joining and inspections in […]

Bringing AI to the grey fleet

Bringing AI to the grey fleet

By Dr Marco J Cianni, FRINA, FIEAust., FRSA HMS Ark Royal was the former flagship of the Royal Navy and the third and final vessel of the Invincible-Class aircraft carriers. It was commissioned in 1985 with a complement of 685 crew, 366 fleet air arm and 22 aircraft. At 210 metres in length, a beam […]