
Could superyachts lead the nuclear surge?

Could superyachts lead the nuclear surge?

Is nuclear energy shedding its unfairly earned reputation as a dirty, dangerous alt-fuel? Perhaps the maritime industry, mainstream media and public are still not completely sold on the concept –but, compared to when we covered the topic two years ago (see Ship & Boat International January/February 2022, pages 28-30), attitudes appear to be softening. The […]

New approach to tank design enables methanol energy for smaller vessels

New approach to tank design enables methanol energy for smaller vessels

Methanol has several known benefits as a marine fuel, including the significant reduction in NOx, SOx and particulate matter emissions when burned, compared to traditional HFO/MGO. Producers can also create ‘green’ methanol through renewable sources and ‘blue’ methanol through carbon capture and storage. However, methanol has a lower energy density relative to conventional marine fuel […]

Hunting the wind to deliver green hydrogen globally

Hunting the wind to deliver green hydrogen globally

You know you’ve hit on an innovative vessel design when you’re not quite sure how to categorise it. For example, the Most Valuable Yacht (MVY) concept devised by UK start-up DRIFT Energy could be categorised as a hydrogen production and bunkering vessel or, alternatively, as a “green, self-filling tanker” or a “fishing boat for energy”, […]