Vanguard to Dreadnought
Celebrating the 130th anniversiry of the Royal Corps of Naval Construction, “Vanguard to Dreadnought: 30 years of Naval Construction” charts the modern history of the RCNC. It covers the design, procurement and support of warships and their systems over 30 years; representing a rare chance to own a piece of maritime history!
£65 £32.50 (50% discount)
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Ships & Shipbuilders
Published to coincide with our 150th anniversary, “Ships & Shipbuilders” covers innovative figures from shipbuilding history. It provides a clear and fascinating history of the many factors that drove and influenced whip design, all the way from Archimedes to Ben Lexcen of America’s cup fame!
£25 £12.50 (50% discount)
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Lamentable Intelligence from the Admiralty
“Lamentable Intelligence from the Admiralty” offers a historical examination of the sinking of the HMS Vanguard in 1875. It makes an important addition to our knowledge of Victorian Naval history and will be of interest to divers who venture to explore a unique wreck.
£22 £11 (50% discount)
To purchase please contact the publications team.

Ship Market Trend
Want an inside edge on the shipping market? “Ship Market Trend” offers valuable insights on the high liquidity shipping market and the factors that influence it. Based on 25 years of shipping industry expirience, this book gives a clear picture of the market and where it is going based on current and historical data.
£38 £19 (50% discount)
To purchase please contact the publications team.