Continuing Professional Development is a commitment to ongoing lifelong learning.
As a practising engineer, you’ll need to learn new skills or improve existing ones, refresh your knowledge, and keep up to date with the latest developments so you can continue to carry out your work to the highest standards.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of your knowledge and skills throughout your career. It’s also the way you’ll prove your professional competence so you can maintain your RINA Membership and Professional Registration.
CPD can be achieved through a range of activities, both inside and outside the workplace, which are related to members’ careers as naval architects and maritime engineers. RINA and employers can assist members in achieving their CPD targets, but ultimately, the responsibility rest with you to meet your individual needs at the different stages of your career.
All Fellows, Members and Associate Members who are in or seeking active work, are required to take all reasonable steps to maintain and develop their professional competence and knowledge after achieving Membership.

The more we collaborate, the more we discuss, debate and develop.
What activities count towards CPD?
- Formal education and training
- Informal learning, eg reading RINA’s technical publications
- Attendance of conferences and meetings
- Presentations and papers
- Institution activities
- Industry involvement (for those in academia)
How do I keep track of my CPD?
You’ll need to keep a CPD record that includes details of the CPD activities undertaken and the hours claimed.
Evidence should be provided where appropriate, eg certificates.
Your CPD record should be available for review by RINA.
For full guidance on CPD, please see our CPD Guidance.