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RINA ACT Section AGM 2024

The RINA ACT Section will be holding its AGM on Tuesday 09 May from 6:30 pm AEST online via Zoom.
Please register your interest here. If you would like to nominate for any of the following positions please include in the RSVP:
– Chairperson
– Assistant Chairperson
– Honorary Secretary
– Assistant Honorary Secretary
– Honorary Treasurer
– Committee Member
If you wish to attend, the Chair’s report, the agenda and last year’s Minutes will be sent prior to the AGM for your acceptance.
In the past, due to our size, we have struggled to meet the requirements for a quorum and I would appreciate your attendance if you are registered in the ACT to ensure we can hold the AGM. For more information please get in touch with the ACT section
RINA ACT Section AGM 2024


9th May, 2024    
18:30 - 20:00