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Low/Zero Emissions and Wind Propulsion

“Low/Zero Emissions and Wind Propulsion” by Gavin Allwright, Secretary General International Windship Association (IWSA)

With the IMO raising its level of decarbonisation ambition at MEPC80, the challenge has been set to drastically reduce emissions in a few short years to 2030 and far deeper cuts by 2040. To meet these near-term challenges, alternative fuels will be unable to do the heavy lifting and thus energy efficiency, voyage optimisation and wind propulsion solutions will be critical to delivering the change we need.

Wind propulsion, however, delivers on a far wider spectrum of emissions from air pollutants to underwater radiated noise and this presentation will highlight these co-benefits and expand the discussion to how this technology and ship design segments can help deliver both the ‘just and equitable’ transition that is also critical to the success of the IMO strategy, where no one is left behind.

Furthermore, the results of our recent survey of energy transition attitudes and the findings of our roundtable on barriers, drivers and perceptions will be explored along with highlighting the current trends and latest deployments of wind propulsion technology in the fleet.




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18th Jan 2024 London Branch Presentation

Low/Zero Emissions and Wind Propulsion


18th January, 2024    
05:30 - 08:00


The Royal Institution of Naval Architects
8-9 Northumberland Street, London, WC2N 5DA