Board, Council & Regions

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Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the Institution, responsible for the governance and management of the Institution as directed in the By Laws. Trustees are appointed from Members of Council. The President of the Institution is the ex officio Chair of the Board of Trustees.

The Board has the following duties:

  • To ensure that the Institution complies with charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
  • To ensure that the Institution pursues its objects as defined in its By Laws.
  • To ensure that the Board collectively has the skills and experience required to carry out its role.
  • To ensure the Institution applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its Objects.
  • To contribute actively to the Board of Trustees’ role in giving firm strategic direction to the Institution, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
  • To safeguard the good name and values of the Institution.
  • To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the Institution.
  • To ensure the financial stability of the Institution.
  • To protect and manage the property of the Institution and to ensure the proper investment of the Institution’s funds.
  • To appoint the Chief Executive Officer and monitor their performance.
  • To carry out an annual self assessment of the Board’s performance.

The Board carries out its duties of governance in accordance with its policies and procedures. The quality of governance is assured by routine review of policies and procedures, internal and external audits and self assessment.

RINA President - Trustees: Catriona Savage

Professor Catriona Savage

President & Chair of Trustees


RINA Trustees: Robert Cripps

Mr Bob Cripps

Edwin Pang - RINA IMO Committee

Mr Edwin Pang

RINA Trustees: Thomas Allan

Dr Thomas Allan

RINA Trustees: Tom Strang

Mr Tom Strang

RINA Trustees: Dimitris Monioudis

Mr Dimitris Monioudis

Mr. Bruce Rosenblatt

Mr Bruce Rosenblatt

Mr. Keith Hutchinson

Mr Keith Hutchinson

Mr. Keith Hutchinson

Mr Nick Chrissos


The Council is responsible for communicating the views of the Institution’s members to the Board of Trustees, and for providing guidance and advice to the Board on all matters related to the professional activities of the Institution.


Members’ countries are grouped into Regions. Members of Council are elected from and by the Regions. A member of Council from a Region will be appointed as a Vice President for the Region, to represent the Institution and views of the members in the Region.

The duties of the Council are listed in the By Laws.

Represent your region by joining the Council. Promote their views and support your Vice-President in developing links with local members, organisations and government.

Objects & By Laws

The Objects of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects are as set out in the Charter of Incorporation 1910 – ‘the improvement of ships and all that specially appertains to them, and the arrangement of periodical meetings for the purpose of discussing practical and scientific subjects bearing upon the design and construction of ships and their means of propulsion, and that relates thereto’.

The Institution is governed in accordance with its By Laws & Regulations, which are approved by the Privy Council of the United Kingdom.

Naval architects have a responsibility to advance the art and science of ship, boat and yacht design. We are only limited by our imagination.

Council of the Institution


Professor Catriona Savage

Honorary Vice Presidents

Date elected: 2004 
E C Tupper FRINA (UK)

Date elected: 2022
J D Frier FRINA (UK)
P G Wrobel FRINA (UK)

Vice Presidents
  • 2019
    A Subahani (Africa & ME)
  • 2019
    J K Paik (UK)
  • 2019
    D Aldwinckle (UK)
  • 2019
    D Molyneux (Americas)
  • 2019
    P Krishnankutty (Asia)
  • 2020 
    C De Marco (Europe)
  • 2021
    I K A P Utama (Asia)
  • 2021 
    T Allan (UK)
  • 2021
    A K Dev (Asia)
  • 2024
    M Renilson (Pacific)
  • 2022
    N Ratukalou (Pacific)
  • 2023
    R P Fernandez (Europe)
  • 2023
    K W Hutchinson (UK)
  • 2023
    G S Chopra (Asia)
  • 2023
    S Inayatullah (Asia)
  • 2023
    D Konovessis (Europe)
  • 2023
    R Downs (UK)
  • 2023
    P A Wilson (UK)
  • 2023
    D N Monioudis (UK)
  • 2023
    A Aitken (UK)
  • 2024
    P Kujala (Europe)
  • 2024
    J Black (Pacific)
  • 2023
    H Theunissen (Africa & ME)
  • 2023
    N MacLennan (UK)
  • 2023
    C Silitziotis (Europe)
  • 2024 
    Y K Demirel (Europe)
Associate Members
  • 2022
    H Dixon (Americas)
  • 2022
    C Baxter (UK)
  • 2022
    C McNair (UK)
  • 2022
    C Baker (UK)
  • 2024
    S De Villiers (ME & Africa)
  • 2024
    R Miller (UK)
  • 2024
    A Kumar (Asia)
  • 2024
    Y R Kamath (Asia)
  • 2024
    N Michalakopoulos (Europe)
Chairs of the Standing Committees
  • P A Wilson
    Publications Committee
  • R Cripps
    Maritime Innovation Committee
  • F H Spencer
    Disciplinary Committee
  • T Strang
    Maritime Environment Committee
  • E Pang
    IMO Committee
  • S Watts
    Maritime Safety Committee
  • J Kernaghan
    Membership Committee
  • M Barton
    Professional Affairs Committee
Past Presidents
  • 1984 -1987  
    Professor John B Caldwell OBE
  • 1993 -1996  
    Dr Peter J Usher CBE
  • 1996 -1999  
    Sir John Parker
  • 2002 – 2004  
    Professor W Geraint Price
  • 2004 – 2007  
    Dr Nigel Gee
    DEng BSc FRINA FREng
  • 2007 – 2010  
    Stephen Payne OBE
    DSc(Hon) BEng  FRINA FREng
  • 2010 – 2014  
    Peter French
  • 2014 – 2016   
    Bruce S. Rosenblatt
  • 2016 – 2018  
    Tom Boardley
  • 2018 – 2020  
    Professor Richard Birmingham
  • 2020 – 2022
    Ing. Maurizio d’Amico

President of the Australian Division

Date elected: 2024
J Binns

President of the New Zealand Division

Date Elected: 2023
G Schweikart

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