Maritime History & Heritage

Wooden boatbuilding

Wooden boatbuilding

Is traditional wooden boatbuilding becoming a lost art? (images: Robin Zahler) What do harp-making, boot-making and slating have in common? The answer is that all three skills have made it onto Heritage Crafts’ Red List of Endangered Crafts, which ranks heritage craft skills at risk of dying out before they can be passed on to […]

75 years of Ship & Boat International

75 years of Ship & Boat International

  It’s unlikely that many readers of the first issue of Ship & Boat International, published in 1947, could have envisaged a world of solar-powered ferries, unmanned tugs and offshore wind farms capable of powering tens of thousands of homes. Similarly, the abilities to conduct virtual reality walkthroughs of vessel plans, prior to construction, and to pay […]

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