Western Joint Branch

Western Joint Branch of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects and The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology.

The Western Joint Branch comprises members of the IMarEST and RINA, covering a large area from Swindon in the North East down to Taunton in the South West, the counties of Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, and Somerset and the cities of Bath and Bristol. The membership is drawn principally from those associated with the defence maritime sector, including serving and retired Royal Navy personnel, MOD civil servants and contractors from organisations such as Rolls Royce, BVT Surface Fleet, Thales Naval and BMT Group, as well as a number of self-employed consultants. The WJB committee comprises up to 10 marine engineers and naval architects, some of whom are members of both institutes. The committee members conduct liaison with HQ staff, plan and execute the lecture and technical visit programme, apply for HQ funding and manage the budget, represent the membership at HQ meetings and organise and conduct Professional Review Interviews (PRIs) for Incorporated and Chartered Engineer candidates. All branch meetings are advertised via the RINA and IMarEST websites and posters advertising the meetings sent to those who have provided their e-mail address to the WJB honorary secretary.


Up to 8 lectures are presented each year between September and April, the venue alternating between the Universities of Bath and the West of England (in North Bristol). The meetings are open to all and we are always pleased to welcome new members, colleagues, friends and family members. Light refreshments are provided. Technical visits are organised subject to the availability of suitable venues, hosts and visit sponsors. Such visits are advertised as they arise.

Key Contacts

For access to contact information, please click here

Mr. Jake Rigby CEng MRINA MIMarEST


Mr. Benjamin Scott


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