SA & NT Section

RINA South Australia and Northern Territory Section, together with the Institute of marine Engineering Science and Technology South Australia Branch, hosts technical meetings, typically four per year. The meetings are held in-person and streamed live, recorded, placed on the RINA YouTube channel (with permission), and are reported in The Australian Naval Architect.


Technical presentations are generally held in concert with the Institute of marine Engineering Science and Technology South Australia Branch on the third Wednesday of the month at the University of Adelaide, starting at 18:30 and finishing by 20:00. Guests are welcome.

Meetings are subject to change at short notice so, if you are making extensive arrangements to attend, then please confirm the date, time and place with the Secretary of the Section.

The Australian Naval Architect is the journal of the Australian Division of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects. It is published four times per year and is distributed to the members of the Institution in Australia. The ANA contains news from the RINA Sections in Australia, the activities of the Division, selected technical articles or papers, and maritime news.

Read the ANA

Key Contacts

For access to contact information, please click here

Philip Bevan


Andrew Harris


Donal Gallagher


Alisair Michell

Committee Member

Steven Holland

Committee Member

Steven Holland

Committee Member

Frieda Lay

Committee Member

John French

Committee Member

Alec Rusanoff

Committee Member

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