The Publications Committee is tasked by Council with monitoring the balance and quality of the Institution’s publications and making recommendations to Council when new Institution policy is considered desirable.
Publications Committee Members
Chairman: Nicholas Overfield
2021 Review
The Committee met four times during the year to determine the award of Medals and Prizes for papers published in the Transactions, and to consider how it should respond to actions placed on the Committee arising from the Strategic Review.
It has been a challenging year for the Publications Committee, nevertheless, it has continued with the introduction of a revitalised International Journal of Maritime Engineering. This has been achieved through the hard work of the Editor in Chief Prof David Andrews with his team of associate editors leading to the publication of four editions of the journal by the University of Buckingham Press.
Additionally, the Publications Committee was able to recommend the award of two Medals of Distinction and 8 prizes to contributors to the journal, including for the first time a prize on behalf of the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute.
Indications are that the move to using UBP as our publishing house is a success, indeed journal articles are now indexed on the CNKI Scholar Platform significantly increasing the reach of RINA.