It is accountable to the Council, and authorised to speak on behalf of the Institution in accordance with Council policies relating to maritime safety.

Maritime Safety Committee Members
Chairman: S Watts
D Aldwinckle
T Allan
S Brincat
A Bush
P Coley
J Dickinson
J Dormon
R Gehling
A Gilfillan
C Kuo
D Matchett
A Morrall
A Papanikolaou
R Pudduck
J Spouge
R Townsend
D Tozer
D Vassalos
G Wilson
Join the Maritime Safety Committee
Committee participation is a benefit of RINA membership. Each meeting provides an opportunity to learn from your peers and help drive industry thought leadership.
If you would like to apply to join the Maritime Safety Committee, complete the committee application form.
Have your say
The Maritime Safety Committee welcomes all members to raise and discuss matters relating to the committee’s work, areas of interest and responsibilities.