RINA Scholarships

Home About RINA Scholarships RINA Scholarships

RINA Scholarships are awarded to Student Members who have demonstrated excellence during their first- or second-year studies of naval architecture or a related subject at a UK university or college.

Scholarship details

  • One scholarship per year is awarded at each university or college, normally to the student achieving the best end of year exam results.
  • The recipient is awarded £1000 – payable at the end of the first or second year.
  • The Scholarship is awarded on the recommendation of the Head of Department.
  • The review process and award will take place during the first week of September. The deadline for applications is 31st August.

Apply below.

RINA scholarships

Sponsored Conference Places

Sponsored conference places are awarded to Student Members and Associate (AMRINA) Members to assist them in attending RINA conferences.


  • Places are assigned on a first come, first served basis.
  • You must be in full time education.
  • You must be a RINA Student Member or Associate (AMRINA) Member.
  • You must be able to attend both days of the conference.

Contact membership@rina.org.uk to apply or for more information.

Application form for RINA Scholarship

Please describe briefly the research / advanced study in which you intend to engage and submit evidence that you have been provisionally accepted by the research / educational establishment involved.
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