The William Froude Medal

Home About RINA Medals, Prizes & Awards The William Froude Medal

The William Froude Medal is awarded to an individual who has made a conspicuous contribution to naval architecture and/or shipbuilding and whose achievements merit special consideration.

It is RINA’s highest award for professional achievement.

For information about how to nominate someone for the William Froude Medal, email


Who was William Froude?

William Froude (28 November 1810 – 4 May 1879) was a British naval architect and engineer who was exceptionally dedicated to the design of ships. He discovered the physical laws, so-called Froude’s laws, by which the hydrodynamic performance of the small-scale ship model could be converted to the full-scale ship when both have the same geometrical shape or hull form. 

Williaam Froude Award